Bulletin for November 5, 2023

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Thinking About the Apostles’s Creed

This week, I’ll be preaching on 1 Peter 3:17-22. If you’ve read this, it’s probably immediately clear to you that this is a difficult passage. Of course, verse 21 is complicated, but there’s also this odd thing about Christ preaching to the “spirits in prison.” I’ll talk about that verse in detail during the sermon, but I wanted to share this Bible study I did a few months ago on the Apostles’ Creed and the phrase “he descended into hell,” especially since Christ’s descent into hell is more of a side point in Sunday’s text. Hopefully, if you have questions, this will help you orient yourself some to what we’re talking about. And if there’s anything you’re still struggling with, feel free to ask about it.


  1. Don’t forget to change your clocks tonight! We’re falling back one hour!

  2. Be sure to continue bringing items for Operation Christmas Child. We have about one more week to get everything packed.

  3. Thanks to all of you for praying for and bearing with our family this past month. The wait was longer than we wanted, but everything went wonderfully. Lois and Madeleine are both happy and healthy, and we’re all finally at home for the forseeable future!

Your friend in Christ,