Bulletin for January 28, 2024

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This week, Rev. Bob Bradley will be joining us for worship. His sermon is “Asleep at the Wheel” from Romans 13:8-14. Be sure to welcome him and thank him Sunday as he comes to serve us Word and Sacrament. And don’t forget to be prayerfully preparing for communion!

In addition, keep in mind our upcoming events:

  1. Parents’ Fellowship is February 4th at 5pm. We’ll have food and a Bible study, and kids will have something to do as well. Let me know if you plan on joining so we can get a rough count for food.

  2. Soup-erbowl Sunday is the next week, February 11th, after worship. Bring enough soup for your family plus some.

  3. Our Ash Wednesday service is February 14th at 6pm.

Finally, please be in prayer for our Gulf South Presbytery as they meet in Monroe this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Especially be in prayer for our hosts Covenant Monroe, those who are preparing to be examined for ordination, and the various officers of the presbytery.

Your friend in Christ,