Bulletin for February 4, 2024

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A Psalm for Sunday

This week, we’re introducing a new psalm, and we’ll continue to sing it over the next few weeks. Click here for a PDF version of the full song, and listen to the song below.

Why are we singing Psalms at all?

You may have noticed that we’ve been doing this a little bit more, so this is a good question, especially since most evangelicals are out of the habit. Well, on a more practical level, psalm-singing is required by both the Westminster Confession of Faith which we subscribe to and the EPC Book of Worship we submit to. But there are many other reasons we ought to sing psalms as well. Here’s a few from Terry Johnson, pastor at Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA.

  1. Psalm singing is biblical. The songs we wish to sing are the canonical psalms, given by the Holy Spirit to be sung. Moreover, we are commanded to sing psalms and are given examples of the New Testament churches singing them.
  1. Psalm singing is historical. It was the practice of the early church (as attested by the church fathers), of the medieval monastic orders, of the Reformers, and of virtually all Protestants until the middle of the nineteenth century.
  1. Psalm singing is beneficial. Because the psalms are Scripture, they partake of all the inherent spiritual virtues of Scriptures to convert sinners and sanctify saints.
  1. Psalm singing is satisfying. Its theological, christological, and experiential richness provides God’s people with the language with which to understand and express the vicissitudes of life. Nothing touches the hearts of God’s people like the psalms, particularly sung.
  1. Psalm singing is unique. The act of singing (not merely reciting as poetry) the whole Psalter (not merely hymns or even psalm fragments), given the divinely balanced content of the Psalter as a whole, has a unique capacity to shape and mold a biblical piety. A distinctive contribution to the health and vitality of the body of Christ is made by the singing of the psalms.


  1. For those of you who are interested, I’ve typed up some brief notes from presbytery and placed them in the vestibule. Be sure to grab a copy on your way into the church. As church members, we want to keep you updated on what’s going on, but this is also a great opportunity to pray for other churches in our presbytery.

  2. Parents’ Fellowship is this Sunday! Madeleine is preparing food for us, and the children will have activities as well. Be sure to join us and bring a friend!

  3. This Wednesday night, the children will be having pancakes and sausage for Valentine’s Day.

  4. Next Sunday, February 11th, is Souperbowl Sunday. Bring your favorite soup to share after worship on that day.

  5. We’ll be having an Ash Wednesday service at 6pm on February 14th.

Your friend in Christ,