Bulletin for February 25, 2024

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Plagues in Exodus

This week, we’re going to get started working through the ten plagues. The first nine occur in three cycles of three, so I’m planning on preaching on them over three weeks. (The tenth plague is in its own league.) In preparation for that, I wanted to make this chart available to you. There’s a lot to keep track of, so it’s good to have a quick reference to refer back to. As I continue to work through these texts, I may add some more information to it. If you’d like a paper copy, let me know.



  1. Make note of the information concerning Vernal PW’s support of PROMISS.

  2. Another Parents’ Fellowship is scheduled for Sunday, March 3rd at 6 PM. We’ll meet at the church for a fellowship meal and Bible study.

  3. We’re just a few weeks away from Easter! I’ll be keeping an eye on the weather, but we plan on having a sunrise service in the prayer garden at 6:45 AM.

  4. A presbytery commission will be joining us to officially install our elders in the EPC on April 14th at 5pm. I’ve had some discussions with them over the past week, and they’re excited to be joining us!

Your friend in Christ,