Bulletin for March 3, 2024

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Another Recommended Resource

Rev. Benjamin Glaser is an Associate Reformed Presbyterian1 pastor in South Carolina. Prior to that he was the pastor of the Ellisville Presbyterian Church in Jones County. Each week, he writes a couple of helpful blog posts for his congregation, but he also publishes them more broadly here. I highly recommend you read his material.

Besides being generally helpful, often one of his posts each week is geared toward helping you prepare for Sunday. This would be a great thing to include in your devotional routine each week!


  1. Be sure to check back at last week’s post to see the plague chart. It will help you stay oriented as we work through each plague. I also highly recommend that you read the sermon Scripture ahead of time, especially while we’re working through these larger chunks!

  2. Parents’ Fellowship meets this Sunday at 6PM! We’ll have a meal and a Bible study time.

  3. The Easter Sunrise Service is scheduled for 6:45AM on March 31st.

  4. The Gulf South Presbytery has authorized a commission to officially install our session as elders in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. A special service will be held for that purpose on April 14th at 5PM followed by a fellowship meal.

And, of course, please continue to be in prayer for all of these on our prayer list.

Your friend in Christ,

  1. In case you’re wondering, the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) is a conservative Presbyterian denomination. They are mostly concentrated on the East Coast, but we have a few in Mississippi, including Faith Presbyterian in Leakesville. ↩︎