Bulletin for May 26, 2024

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For Whom Did Jesus Die?

On Wednesday night, we briefly touched on the doctrine of limited atonement or particular redemption. This is the doctrine that answers the question, “For whom did Christ die?” Reformed Christians have answered this question with different nuances, but the central thing we have to affirm is that Christ shed his blood for those whom the Father had promised him, not indiscriminately.

I mentioned a couple of key passages from the gospel of John, but we didn’t have time to dive into them. The following lecture/sermon walks through the passages and clearly explains them.


  1. Don’t forget that our Parents’ Fellowship meets Sunday night at 5! We’ll continue working through Jonah.

  2. PROMISS bottles are due on June 16th. That’s also Father’s Day. If you haven’t picked up a bottle or want to do extra, there are some in the Fellowship Hall.

Your friend in Christ,