Bulletin for December 29, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinBulletin for December 22, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinComing Up This Week

This Sunday, we’ll be meeting twice on Sunday. First, we’ll have a lessons and carols service in our normal morning worship slot. Then, we’ll gather again at 5 PM to watch the chlidren perform their Christmas pageant. Light refreshments will follow!
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for December 15, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinGospel Hope

The past few questions, being all about sin, have been quite negative, but now, in question 20, there’s a turn to the solution to this problem.
Q. 20. Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?
A. God having, out of his mere good pleasure, from all eternity, elected some to everlasting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a redeemer.
God, of course, would have been perfectly just to leave us to perish in the estate of sin and misery, but God is not merely a God of justice. He is also a God of mercy. The catechism, quoting Ephesians 1, reminds us that God acted to save “according to the good pleasure of his will.” Because of the goodness of God, he saw fit to offer salvation.
Who did God see fit to save? The elect. We’ve talked about this doctrine in previous questions, but God, from all eternity, elected some to eternal life. Notice the catechism says that God elected out of his mere good pleasure. That means there was nothing in us that God considered in his election; it’s all on him. This is clearly taught in Ephesians 1:4-12.
It’s become very common in recent times for people to argue that God’s election is on the basis of foreseen faith. The idea is that God looked down through time to see who would believe in him and elected those people. But this view has no biblical evidence in support of it. Furthermore, think about what that would mean for our salvation–it would mean that our salvation is somehow dependent on us. And what a sorry state we would be in if it depended on us!
This leads us to the second question: how does God save his elect? Even though God elects some for salvation, there’s still this lingering issue. There is nothing in man that warrants salvation. We are dead in sin (Ephesians 2:5) and the thoughts of our hearts are only evil continually (Genesis 6:5). There’s an impenetrable barrier between God and the sinner, so God provided a way through the covenant of grace. In this covenant, he provides a redeemer, Jesus Christ, who paid for the sins of the elect in order that they might be justified before God. More on that in question 21!
Finally, what is the result of this covenant of grace? We are both delivered from the state of sin and misery and brought into an estate of salvation. Through our redeemer, Jesus Christ, we are freed from the sin and misery we talked about previously. Now, some of that is immediate (justification) and some is gradual (sanctification), but sin has no dominion over us (Romans 6:1-14). We are freed to stand before God and to be cleansed by the blood of Christ applied by the Holy Spirit.
On December 22, we’ll be meeting twice. On Sunday morning, our Lord’s Day service at 11 AM will be a Lessons & Carols service. Then, on Sunday evening at 5 PM, the children and youth will present a Christmas Pageant. Be sure to join us for both!
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for December 8, 2024
Download Sunday’s Bulletin
The Misery of Sin
When Adam fell, he fell into an estate of sin and misery. Question 18 focused on sin, and question 19 goes on to discuss misery. Remember that sin is about being and doing; in other words, it affects our nature and actions. When we talk about misery, we’re talking about the effects of being sinful and doing sin.
Q. 19. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all the miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell forever.
The first consequence of sin is our disfellowship with God. This happens automatically. What was the first thing Adam did after he sinned? He hid from God. Their relationship was broken. All other effects are downstream from this.
In particular, the relationship is broken because the covenant was broken. Covenant is God’s gracious way of meeting with his people, but when we turn aside from God, we lose access to his presence. This is also why Adam was under the wrath and curse of God–because under the covenant of works, there is penalty for law-breaking.
The first penalty of law-breaking is that life gets hard. This is the core of the curse on Adam in Genesis 3:
“And to Adam he said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’” (Genesis 3:17-19)
Any difficulty in this life ultimately stems from this curse. When your joints ache, when you get the flu, and when money’s tight, you can always find the source in the curse on Adam.
Even worse, we are liable to death, “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Humans are not supposed to die. Death is bad; it’s a curse. Often, we try to convince ourselves that death is somehow a good thing, and certainly there are good results (like going to heaven). But death was never supposed to be a part of human life. It’s a result of sin. Finally, since we have immortal souls, we are not only liable to temporal death, but eternal death (Matthew 25:41-46). Because we owe God an infinite death, we are liable for infinite judgment.
But again, just as the nature of sin teaches us about the work of Christ, so does the nature of misery. When Jesus took on flesh, he took on this curse. In every respect, he was tempted. He was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Ultimately, he was crucified, dead, and buried, and he descended into hell. Why? Because he was suffering for us. He suffered humiliation with us, so that he could redeem us from misery.
Don’t forget our congregational meeting immediately following this Sunday’s worship service.
We’ll have a Lessons and Carols Sunday evening service on December 22 at 5 PM. We’ll hear Scripture about Christ and sing some Christmas carols together.
The children are preparing to give a presentation on Christmas Eve.
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for December 1, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinHappy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone enjoys your holiday this week! If you missed our community Thanksgiving, the audio is now available on the podcast feed.
Make note of our special offering for Living Waters for the World. If you’d like to make a special gift in addition to the Session’s $500 dollar commitment, please indicate it on your check.
Our congregation meeting is scheduled for December 8th immediately following worship.
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for November 24, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinThe Estate of Sin

Q. 17. Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A. The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery.
Question 17 gives us two categories for understanding the consequences of the Fall. Adam’s first sin brought about an estate of both sin and misery. Question 18 deals with the first part of that: the sinfulness of man’s estate.
Q. 18. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.
The estate of sin consist of both original sin and actual sin. Actual sin is what happens when we, by our own wills, violate God’s law. Actual sin are the sinful things we do. But remember that sin is both about doing and being. Original sin deals with the being part.
Original sin consists of three parts. First, original sin includes the guilt of Adam’s first sin. Romans 5:15 tells us that “many died through one man’s trespass.” The way Paul reasons in Romans 5 is to say that since all people suffer the consequence of Adam’s first sin, then all people are guilty of Adam’s first sin. This may not strike us as fair, but remember that Adam represented the whole human race in the covenant of works. Therefore, we say that Adam’s sin is imputed (accounted or credited) to us. Although none of us committed the particular of sin, it is counted to us as if we did because of his federal headship.
We think in these terms all the time. If the President of the United States decides to shoot missiles at another country, then we can rightly say that the United States did it, since he is their representative. While the order didn’t come from every individual citizen, since the President the head of state, we are responsible for his actions to a degree. And if the other country retaliates, we face the consequences.
Second, original sin includes the want (or lack) of original righteousness. When Adam was created, he was created in perfection. He was righteous, not because he did anything good, but because God only creates good things. It wasn’t a state he earned, but something he was given. But when Adam sinned, he gave up that gift of perfection and was then unable to share that gift with any of his offspring. As a result, from the moment we are conceived, we lack the righteousness that Adam had at first.
Third, original sin is not only a lack of righteousness, but a continuing corruption. After the Fall, our hearts are crooked and wicked by nature. We are by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). The thoughts and intentions of our hearts are only evil continually (Genesis 6:5). And from this natural corruption comes all actual sin (James 1:14-15).
So the estate of sin is a sorry place to be, but understanding this state helps us understand what we need. Since we have inherited the sin of Adam, we need another legal representative to take that sin. Since we have lost original righteousness, we need a new Mediator to impute his own righteousness to us and renew the gift that Adam scorned. Since our natures have been corrupted, we need a special work of God to straighten us out and root out that corruption. The gospel of Jesus Christ, of course, is the answer to all of those problems.
- Be sure to be preparing for communion this coming Lord’s Day. A good practice is to review Larger Catechism 171:
Q. 171. How are they that receive the sacrament of the Lord’s supper to prepare themselves before they come unto it?
A. They that receive the sacrament of the Lord’s supper are, before they come, to prepare themselves thereunto, by examining themselves of their being in Christ, of their sins and wants; of the truth and measure of their knowledge, faith, repentance; love to God and the brethren, charity to all men, forgiving those that have done them wrong; of their desires after Christ, and of their new obedience; and by renewing the exercise of these graces, by serious meditation, and fervent prayer.
The Community Thanksgiving Service will be at 5 PM on Sunday. The choir is meeting at 4. Be sure to bring your food, and be ready to help us host!
Remember the congregational meeting scheduled for December 8th.
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for November 17, 2024
Download Sunday’s Bulletin
In Adam, All Die
Q. 15. What was the sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created?
A. The sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created was their eating the forbidden fruit.
Q. 16. Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression?
A. The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first transgression.
Last week, we talked about the nature of sin. Remember that sin doesn’t consist in merely singular acts; it also includes any non-conformity to God’s law. The Children’s Catechism summarizes this well:
Q. 29. What is meant by want of conformity?
A. Not being or doing what God requires.
This is important as we consider what question 16 of the Shorter Catechism is saying.
First, the catechism tells us that the covenant of works or life was not made not only with Adam, but with all of humanity after him. Adam was our covenant head, our representative and mediator, in the covenant of works. Romans 5 is the clearest statement of this principle.
“Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man [Adam], and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.” (Rom 5:12)
Adam, standing in as the representative head of all people, sinned for all people, bringing all his children under the judgment of God. Later, we’ll unpack this in more detail, but this is what we call original sin.
It’s a common error to think that we’re born in a morally neutral state, like Adam in the garden. Some preachers say that children are born sinless and remain that way, until they commit their first intentional sin, but this is unbiblical. Remember the definition of sin includes not only acts, but states. To use the analogy of the forest path again, because of Adam’s first sin, we are all born off the track. And, as Paul points out, the evidence of this fact, the innate sinfulness of all human beings, is that all die. God is just, and he only extends judgment to those who deserve it. But, sad as it may be, young children sometimes die, and this is evidence that they are under the judgment of God.
This is part of the reason we baptize the children of believers. The Children’s Catechism is helpful here as well:
Q. 130. Why should infants be baptized?
A. Because they have a sinful nature and need a Savior.
Of course, when we lose children to death, we have confidence that they are in the arms of Christ, but that’s not because they’re sinless, instead, they are like all people. Our Confession of Faith summarizes:
Elect infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated, and saved by Christ, through the Spirit, who worketh when, and where, and how he pleaseth: so also are all other elect persons who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word. (WCF 10.3)
The point is this: the Word of God is true when it says,
“For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.” (Rom 3:22-25)
Either you are in Adam and subject to death, or you are in Christ and given the gift of eternal life. There is no distinction. There is neither Jew for Greek, slave nor free, male and female, but we are all one in Christ Jesus.
As of today (Thursday), we have packed 63 Operation Christmas Child boxes! If you’ve packed your own boxes, please bring them Sunday so we can pray for all them in worship. I’ll also have a link for additional online boxes shortly.
Next Sunday, we’ll be having communion in the morning with Rev. Ron Pierce, and then we’ll host the community Thanksgiving service at 5 PM. Be preparing for communion, and be prepared to be good hosts for our community!
Don’t forget the congregational meeting scheduled for December 8th.
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for November 10, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinWhat is Sin?

In the last question, we began working on the topic of sin. But before we move on, we need a definition of sin.
Q. 14. What is sin?
A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.
Let’s work through this backwards. First, we see that sin is defined in terms of the law of God. Beginning in question 39, the catechism goes into great detail about the law, but for now, we can simply say that the law is both a reflection of God’s own holiness and his requirements for men. These are summarized in the Ten Commandments, but Jesus summarizes them even more into the laws of love: we are to love God and love neighbor. So sin is what happens when we live in a way contrary to the law.
That can happen in two ways. One way is transgression. This is drawn straight from 1 John 3:4, which says, “Sin is the transgression of the law.” To transgress means to go across something. In this case, transgression is walking across the law. Imagine you’re following a trail through the woods. If you decide to walk off the trail and start carving your own path, you have transgressed the trail. In the same way, when we transgress God’s law, we leave his marked out path of righteousness.
But when you leave the path, while that is a singular action, it puts you in a different state. This is lack of conformity. If you wander off into the woods, each additional step takes you further and further away from where you’re supposed to be. While you’re wandering through the woods, you remain out of conformity with the path. When we transgress God’s law, we find ourselves not only doing something wrong, but being something wrong. We remain in sin until we return to God’s path.
So sin is when we are not being or doing what God commands. Repentance from sin is returning to the law of God, stepping back onto his path. As we continue in the next few questions, we’ll learn about how we got off the path in the first place, the origin of sin.
Wednesday’s prayer meeting was fantastic, and the children packed a whole lot of Operation Christmas Child boxes! If you missed either of those things, we’ll be back at it this week, so be sure to join us!
Next week, our youth membership class meets Friday evening and Saturday morning. If you haven’t already, let me know if your child will be joining us.
Mark your calendars for the congregational meeting on December 8th.
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for November 3, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinChristianity in Public

Melchior Hofmann, an increasingly popular Anabaptist lay preacher, arrived in the bustling city of Strasbourg in 1533. He had received a vision from God and was coming to preach his vision to the people there. He and his followers believed that Strasbourg was the city where Jesus would return to establish his kingdom, and they wanted to be there when it happened. Hofmann began to prophesy that he would soon be imprisoned and that six months later, Jesus would come again. The followers of God would then be asked to take up arms to defeat the forces of darkness!
Hofmann was promptly thrown in jail for preaching such revolutionary ideas, and his followers prepared for a fight. Six months passed. Nothing happened. “He must have simply gotten his calculations wrong!” they thought. Two of Hofmann’s followers, John Matthys and John of Leiden studied the issue and determined that Hofmann had simply gotten the wrong location. Jesus was returning to Muenster! They quickly gathered their things and headed to Muenster to make preparation for the return of Christ.
Soon after arriving there, the group managed to take total control of the city and expel the Catholic bishop, starting a war. Catholic armies quickly surrounded the city, and the Anabaptists in Muenster took up arms to defend God’s kingdom. John Matthys was killed in battle, and John of Leiden was declared king of “the New Jerusalem.” As food became harder to find, more and more of the people began to see visions and give prophecies. The new “king” decreed that polygamy was now allowed, following after the pattern of the Old Testament patriarchs. Abuse ran rampant. Soon enough, some of the citizens grew tired of the siege and opened the gates for the armies outside. Muenster fell back into the hands of the Catholic bishop, and Jesus did not return. “King” John was captured and executed, and his followers were faced with violent persecution.
In the aftermath, the Anabaptists were forced to reevaluate, and a new leader emerged, Menno Simons, father of the Mennonites. He believed that all oaths were sinful, and Mennonites were therefore barred from holding public office. Persecution faded, but the influence of the Mennonites did as well. In all but a few regions, the Anabaptists became quiet pacifists with little impact in the broader society.
Two Ditches to Avoid
The story of the Muenster and the Anabaptists offers us helpful instruction for how we ought to engage politically. Interestingly, the Anabaptists have historically fallen into two errors: they have attempted to impose Christianity by political and military might, and they have withdrawn from society so far that they have lost all their influence in the culture. In order to avoid falling into these ditches, we need a clear path forward. We need to learn how to engage our societies in a godly way so that the gospel can be proclaimed to every creature, and we need to understand how governments and political systems fit into God’s larger plan for the whole earth.
It Starts With You
I want to frame our discussion in terms of what you must do, what you may do, and what you may not do. This helps us distinguish between areas of law and areas of wisdom and determine how we ought to behave as Christians. Ultimately, you can only control your own actions, so we should seek to have those actions guided by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. When dealing with politics, Christians need a biblical rudder to guide their actions in such a high tension environment. The Westminster Standards offer us some answers to this dilemma and give us a solid, biblical approach for engaging in politics.
What You Must Do (WCF 23.4)
The Westminster Confession of Faith identifies four duties the people have to the civil authorities.
Pray for the governing authorities. 2 Timothy 2:1-4 gives us two reasons for this. First, our goal should be to live peaceful and quiet lives. The civil government facilitates this in providing things like national defense and police forces. So we ought to pray that the governing authorities are successful in maintaining peace. Second, our ultimate goal should be that the gospel of Jesus Christ be received by all people. So we pray that the governing authorities would receive Christ and, in turn, create an environment where the gospel message can be freely proclaimed.
Honor the authorities. When Peter says, “Honor the emperor” (1 Pet. 2:17), he is making a connection to the value of civil offices. When we honor someone or something, we are recognizing that there is some value in that thing. But where does this value in the civil authorities come from? It comes from God! “[There] is no authority except from God… Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed…” (Rom. 13:1-2).
Pay your dues. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:21). This verse is often used to demonstrate our need to pay our taxes, but it is actually far more expansive than that. Our confession says that we are to pay taxes “and whatever is owed them.” For example, in America, when men turn eighteen, they are required to register for the draft. This is something owed to the civil government that we are bound to honor.
Submit to all lawful orders. Note the word “lawful.” Remember, the authority of the government ultimately comes from God, so if the government commands something contrary to God’s commands, you are not obligated to submit. That being said, this is no license to rebel. In any instance where we feel compelled by God to disobey, we must be wholly convinced in our hearts and minds that we are doing the right thing. Christians, in an effort to honor their Savior, ought to be model citizens, honoring and serving the civil government in whatever ways it asks of us.
What You May Do (WCF 23.2)
Next, we are permitted, but not required, to accept and execute offices, given that we exercise those offices under the direction of God. Psalm 2:10-12 tells kings and rulers to “serve the LORD with fear” and to “kiss the Son.” If this is the command to rulers generally, how much more does it apply to Christian rulers? Also, we must acknowledge that citizenship is an office. Historically, it is a unique privilege to be afforded citizenship, and it carries with it the responsibilities that God places on every political office.
Today, many make the claim that our personal faith should play any role in the public sphere, but this totally misses the point of our faith. As a Christian, I belong to Christ, and not just on Sunday morning. Christ owns all of me. When we enter public life, when we accept civil offices, we must give those to Christ just as we offer our whole lives to him (Rom. 12:1-2). This means that we have the same zeal for the gospel and God-honoring ethics in public as we do in private. This also means that we are required to execute public in accordance with God’s prescription, by honoring those who do good and punishing those who do evil (1 Pet. 2:14).
What You May Not Do (WLC 128)
Larger Catechism 128 gives us several “sins of inferiors against their superiors.” So these apply not only to civil authorities, but also to all authorities that God has placed over us. So what may we not do? You may not (1) neglect your duties, (2) rebel, (3) curse or mock. You’ll notice that these are mostly just negations of what we must do.
The opposite of paying your dues is neglecting your duties. When the civil authorities require something lawful and we fail to do it, we are in sin and dishonoring God. The government is God’s servant “for your good” (Rom. 13:4), so when what they require aligns with what God requires, your duty is obedience.
The opposite of submission is rebellion. Paul calls the civil authorities “ministers of God” (Rom. 13:6). They bear his authority. When we submit to our rulers, we are ultimately submitting to God. Therefore, when we rebel against our rulers, we rebel against God. This is a very dangerous place to be.
The opposite of honor is cursing. Perhaps, of all of these things, cursing and mocking is the easiest to do. In fact, it’s becoming more and more common and even applauded in our culture. Politicians on both sides of the aisle engage in name calling and mocking and, yes, even cursing. In all of this, you may be tempted to join in, but understand that every human authority, besides bearing the image of God, is a minister of God for your good.
Also, if you choose to take on a public office, you are required to operate within God’s prescribed boundaries for the civil authorities. Public officials may not interfere with church government (2 Chr. 26:18). That is the realm of the elders (Eph. 4:11-12). Public officials may not hinder the worship of God in any way (2 Chr. 19:8-11).
What About Voting?

Now, you may be thinking, “Yeah, this is all great, but tell me who to vote for!” I understand the desire to get a straight answer, but I unfortunately can’t do that for you. I can, however, offer some advice. Kevin DeYoung describes four options for what you can do with your vote. Here they are:
- Vote for the best candidate of all the candidates.
- Vote for the best (or least bad) candidate of the two major parties.
- Vote for the best candidate—of all the candidates, or of the two leading parties—so long as the candidate meets a certain threshold for character and ideology.
- Vote in a way that you believe best advances the long-term interests of your policy goals and convictions.
Now, which course of action you take requires wisdom. We can’t just pick one of these options and make blanket application to every election. Local elections are different from statewide or national elections. School boards and judges have different jobs. Even where you live matters. The fact that we live in a solidly Republican state means we may vote differently from people in swing states. The important thing is that Christians walk into the voting booth with prayer on their lips and the Word of God on their hearts.
Prayer meeting starts this Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 6:30 PM! We’ll meet in the sanctuary while the kids start packing Operation Christmas Child boxes in the fellowship hall.
Our youth membership class is November 15-16. We’ll meet Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. If you haven’t talked to me about your child participating, let me know ASAP.
The community Thanksgiving service will be Sunday, November 25, at 5:00. Be ready to host our guests!
A congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 8, immediately following the worship service.
Your friend in Christ,
Bulletin for October 27, 2024
Download Sunday’s BulletinInnocence Lost

In the last question, we left off with Adam being placed in the covenant of works. God gave him some commands, and he was promised life if he fulfilled those commands. But we all know what happened next:
Q. 13. Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein they were created?
A. Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the estate wherein they were created, by sinning against God.
Make note of the phrase “the estate wherein they were created.” This is drawing on a very old distinction (going back at least to Augustine) between the four estates of man. They’ll be unpacked as we work through the catechism, but here’s a quick summary to get you started.
- The State of Innocence: Man is able not to sin.
- The State of Sin: Man is not able to not sin.
- The State of Grace: Man is able to sin and not to sin.
- The State of Glory: Man is not able to sin.
Each of these states speaks to the degree of freedom the human will has at each point in redemption. Adam and Eve were in the state of innocence, which means that they were “left to the freedom of their own will.”
A frequent accusation that is thrown at Reformed or Calvinistic theology is that it denies free will. You may hear someone say, “You believe people are just robots.” But this is not true of Reformed theology (the Westminster Confession has a whole chapter on free will), and it’s certainly not biblical!
This is a very fine distinction, and it’s beyond our understanding, but we have to hold two things together. First, we can’t forget what we’ve already learned–that God decrees all things, including the Fall. God didn’t simply permit the Fall to happen; instead, the Fall is part of his eternal, divine plan for creation. At the same time, the Bible teaches that Adam and Eve alone were responsible for their sin. God gave them freedom of choice; they could obey or disobey. It’s not as if God put something in Adam that said, “You must eat of the forbidden fruit.” No, that decision belongs to Adam alone. Consider James 1:13…
“Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.”
So when Adam was created he had perfect freedom to do good or evil, and he chose evil. Our situation, however, as a result of Adam’s decision, is different. Our freedom has been limited because of the Fall. But more on that in the coming questions.
Be sure to join us for our Reformation Youth Fellowship Sunday afternoon! We’ll have games from 3 to 6, then we’ll eat supper at 6 PM. (I got this wrong in the bulletin last week!)
Our Youth Membership class will be on the weekend of November 15-16. Don’t forget to let me know if your child will be joining us!
Remember to mark your calendars for our congregational meeting on December 8th.
Your friend in Christ,